bookmate game

Derek Sivers



Dmitryhas quoted2 years ago
He said, “Yes, I can ignore what you’re saying and just look at your actions. Our actions always reveal our real values.”
I thought about that, but it sounded wrong to me. What about people who want to learn languages, or create businesses, but haven’t started yet? What about people who want to quit smoking or quit their jobs, but haven’t been able to yet?
He said, “If they really wanted to do it, they would have done it. You’ve been talking about this new company idea since 2008, but never launched it. Looking at your actions, and knowing you, I’d say that you don’t really want to start another company. You actually prefer the simple life you have now, focused on learning, writing, and playing with your kid. No matter what you say, your actions reveal the truth.”
Dmitryhas quoted2 years ago
Refuse almost everything. Do almost nothing. But the things you do, do them all the way
Dmitryhas quoted2 years ago
Don’t expect your job to fulfill all your emotional needs. Don’t taint something you love with the need to make money from it. Don’t try to make your job your whole life. Don’t try to make your art your sole income. Let each be what it is, and put in the extra effort to balance the two, for a great life


Dmitryshared an impression2 years ago
🔮Hidden Depths
👍Worth reading

Worthy book without water with different short thoughts and ideas which give a new view on different things in our life. Really interesting to read, and definitely has a rereading potential.

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    Derek Sivers
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  • Tomas Garzonshared an impressionlast year
    👍Worth reading

    Tomas Garzonshared an impressionlast year
    👍Worth reading

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