Selected by Apple as a "Best of 2018" Podcast. Join Jordan Harbinger with Jason DeFillippo as we get deep into the untapped wisdom of the world's top performers -- from intelligence operatives to legendary musicians, iconoclastic writers to visionary changemakers. We deconstruct the playbooks of the most successful people on earth -- and learn new strategies, perspectives and insights you can't find anywhere else. Then, take these practical insights into your own life and live what you listen.
Bananas: nutritious treat or geopolitical nightmare? Jessica Wynn unpeels the shocking truth behind our favorite fruit on this week's Skeptical Sunday!
Your 105-year-old aunt has vanished into the elder care system while a relative keeps her whereabouts a secret. Can you find her? It's Feedback Friday!
David Eagleman explains why counterfeiting works, how our empathy fails, why mind reading remains elusive, and if we'll ever upload our minds to computers.
Feng Shui: ancient wisdom or modern woo? On Skeptical Sunday, Dave Farina unpacks how "chi" and "energy" get misappropriated in the name of interior design!
A friend slept with a mentally ill patient, got caught in a web of manipulation, and calls you judgmental for questioning her ethics. It's Feedback Friday!
FBI veteran Scott Payne takes us into the world of undercover ops: infiltrating biker gangs, near-death moments, and the psychological toll of betrayal.
Homeschooling: Not just for doomsday preppers anymore! Nick Pell joins Skeptical Sunday to unpack how kitchen tables became the new classroom battleground.
From Russia to China: Autocracy, Inc. author Anne Applebaum reveals how modern autocrats create a new world order by working together against democracy.
From food deserts to ultra-processed flavor deception, Jessica Wynn maps out America's nutritional divide and corporate food games on Skeptical Sunday!
Your hiking group's newest member has killer calves and concerning ideologies. Should you hit the trail or fight for higher ground? Welcome to Feedback Friday!
How did former ATF agent Jay Dobyns spend years undercover with the Hells Angels and live to tell the tale? Listen to this two-parter to find out! [Pt. 2/2]
How did former ATF agent Jay Dobyns spend years undercover with the Hells Angels and live to tell the tale? Listen to this two-parter to find out! [Pt. 1/2]
Is diet soda bad? Do muscles vanish when you stop lifting? Dr. Michael Israetel, bodybuilding professor and fitness expert, answers these questions and more!
Are sound healers hitting the right note, or just making noise? Maddox joins us to investigate frequencies, facts, and fallacies on this Skeptical Sunday!
Your fascist colleague thinks clubs turn people gay but loves male ballet dancers. Sometimes the closet has geopolitical dimensions. It's Feedback Friday!