bookmate game
Lucy Maud Montgomery

The Blue Castle

  • missninahas quoted2 months ago
    Dear Barney:—

    I went to Dr. Trent this morning and found out he had sent me the wrong letter by mistake. There never was anything serious the matter with my heart and I am quite well now.

    I did not mean to trick you. Please believe that. I could not bear it if you did not believe that. I am very sorry for the mistake. But surely you can get a divorce if I leave you. Is desertion a ground for divorce in Canada? Of course if there is anything I can do to help or hasten it I will do it gladly, if your lawyer will let me know.

    I thank you for all your kindness to me. I shall never forget it. Think as kindly of me as you can, because I did not mean to trap you. Good-bye.

    Yours gratefully,

  • missninahas quoted2 months ago
    I like a house I can love and cuddle and boss. Just like ours here.
  • missninahas quoted2 months ago
    It was amazing to be able to sit up half the night and look at the moon if you wanted to. To be late for meals if you wanted to—she who had always been rebuked so sharply by her mother and so reproachfully by Cousin Stickles if she were one minute late. Dawdle over meals as long as you wanted to. Leave your crusts if you wanted to. Not come home at all for meals if you wanted to. Sit on a sun-warm rock and paddle your bare feet in the hot sand if you wanted to. Just sit and do nothing in the beautiful silence if you wanted to. In short, do any fool thing you wanted to whenever the notion took you. If that wasn't freedom, what was?
  • missninahas quoted2 months ago
    "Edward Beck." Cousin Georgiana lowered her voice almost to a whisper. "Edward Beck."

    Why the italics? And was Cousin Georgiana blushing?
  • missninahas quoted2 months ago
    "Then," said Uncle James violently, "you are a shameless creature, lost to all sense of propriety and virtue, and I wash my hands entirely of you. I do not want ever to see your face again."

    "What have you left to say when I commit murder?" asked Valancy.
  • missninahas quoted2 months ago
    had always envied the wind. So free. Blowing where it listed. Through the hills. Over the lakes. What a tang, what a zip it had! What a magic of adventure!
  • missninahas quoted2 months ago
    was so easy to tell Barney things. One felt he understood everything—even the things you didn't tell him.
  • missninahas quoted2 months ago
    Her feelings were badly mixed and she had never had so many in such a brief time in her life.
  • missninahas quoted2 months ago
    I've been keeping up appearances all my life. Now I'm going in for realities. Appearances can go hang!
  • missninahas quoted2 months ago
    No wonder his wife had died young. Valancy remembered her. A pretty, sensitive thing. Uncle James had denied her everything she wanted and showered on her everything she didn't want. He had killed her—quite legally. She had been smothered and starved.
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