you can only “tempt” someone for so long before they give in.
Habitante de librohas quotedlast month
So the goal, I think, is to stay kind for as long as you can, no matter what happens to you. No matter what you go through, no matter how many breaks you get and how many you don’t.
Habitante de librohas quotedlast month
try to stay kind as long as you can. For all of your life. Always be mindful of what others are enduring. And whatever you do, most of all, don’t allow someone else’s meanness, someone else’s cruelty, to get inside of you.
Habitante de librohas quotedlast month
Ghost stories might not all use the same words, but they all sound like the same words because it’s the ghost we think about, not the words.
Habitante de librohas quotedlast month
it’s the feeling of life. The experience of aging and living.
Habitante de librohas quotedlast month
It’s not love…it’s falling in love and how it literally changes who you are.
Habitante de librohas quotedlast month
If you think about it, every time you’ve ever been scared in your life so far, you’ve also survived whatever you were scared of. Right? You’ve literally gotten through everything you thought you might not.