Pauline Boss

Pauline Boss Ph.D. is best known for her groundbreaking research as the pioneer theorist and clinical practitioner of stress reduction for caregivers whose loved ones are suffeirng from dementia. She has an extensive speaking, training, and lecture schedule, has written several books, including Ambiguous Loss: Learning to Live with Unresolved Grief (Harvard University Press 1999), Loss, Trauma, and Resilience: Therapeutic Work with Ambiguous Loss (Norton 2006), and Family Stress Management (Sage 2002). Pauline Boss received the Ernest Burgess Award from the Research and Theory Section of the National Council on Family Relations, is Emeritus Professor at the University of Minnesota, and was Visiting Professor at the Harvard Medical School, in 2004-2005."


Dani CyChas quoted3 days ago
The family that exists in people’s minds is more important than the one recorded in the census taker’s notebook,
Dani CyChas quoted3 days ago
This view of family stresses the criterion of being present—psychologically and physically—even more than that of being biologically related.
Dani CyChas quoted3 days ago
First, because the loss is confusing, people are baffled and immobilized. They don’t know how to make sense of the situation. They can’t problem-solve because they do not yet know whether the problem (the loss) is final or temporary.
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