
  • breahas quoted2 months ago
    “Oh, if it isn’t the Beast of 2-A. Where are your owners?” Monoma taunts as he pushes into Katsuki’s personal space. “Don’t they know it’s against the law to let a beast off its leash?”
  • breahas quoted2 months ago
    Shouto once advised Katsuki to not give assholes the reaction they bait him for, and Katsuki has been mostly successful at following this advice.
  • breahas quoted2 months ago
    'Mostly' because Monoma has a goddamn talent for inciting Katsuki’s anger. His taunting comments are one thing, but just the sight of his face, all smug satisfaction thinly smeared like concealer over ugly insecurities, disgusts Katsuki. It’s like looking into a mirror in a funhouse at a distorted reflection of what Katsuki could be—had been—and Katsuki hates the reminder. He hates that Monoma always has to remind him of how shitty he was when he started at Yuuei, as if Katsuki’s past year of growth counts for nothing, and he hates that sometimes it feels good to not hold himself back and instead drop down to Monoma’s level.
  • breahas quoted2 months ago
    “The fuck did you just do to me?!”

    “Hmm, I’m not sure I should tell you,” Monoma sing-songs.
  • breahas quoted2 months ago
    “Okay, fine,” Monoma huffs. “The quirk…” Monoma pauses. His irritation ebbs away and his grin reforms, likely taking pleasure in making Katsuki wait. “...lets you hear people’s thoughts about you.”
  • breahas quoted2 months ago
    “Tch, what a stupid quirk,” Katsuki scoffs, ceasing his own. Now that he knows the quirk he’s been hit with is nothing worth killing over, he takes a step back from Monoma. “Like I give a fuck what people think about me.”
  • breahas quoted2 months ago
    “Oh?” Monoma lilts. “Then I guess there’s nothing to be mad about.”
  • breahas quoted2 months ago
    “How long does this shitty quirk last?”

    Monoma shrugs. “Who knows… a week? A month?”
  • breahas quoted2 months ago
    “Are you fucking serious?!” Katsuki’s palms explode in his rage, and Monoma glances at them warily.

    “Why does it matter? You said you don’t care what people think about you. Unless you were lying...”
  • breahas quoted2 months ago
    “I don’t give a fuck what people think. Especially if they aren’t brave enough to tell me to my face.”
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