bookmate game

Diane Setterfield

  • b1892935020has quoted2 years ago
    Every Happy Ever After was tainted. Fate, at first so amenable, so reasonable, so open to negotiation, ends up by exacting a cruel revenge for happiness
  • b1892935020has quoted2 years ago
    There are too many books in the world to read in a single lifetime; you have to draw the line somewhere
  • b1892935020has quoted2 years ago
    When I was a child, books were everything. And so there is in me, always, a nostalgic yearning for the lost pleasure of books.
  • b1892935020has quoted2 years ago
    Winter. I looked out of the window for inspiration. Behind my writer’s ghost, dark branches stretched naked across the darkening sky, and the flower beds were bare black soil. The glass was no protection against the chill; despite the gas fire, the room seemed filled with bleak despair. What did winter mean to me? One thing only: death
  • b1892935020has quoted2 years ago
    Tragedy alters everything.

    I was born, and the woman in the wedding photo disappeared.
  • Алиса Нисенбоймhas quotedlast year
    She might have looked like a potato, but there was nothing that girl couldn't do, once she put her mind to it.
  • Алиса Нисенбоймhas quotedlast year
    His voice had the unmistakable lightness of someone telling something extremely important.
  • Алиса Нисенбоймhas quotedlast year
    Any governess, after the few hours I have had in this house, would have a full and clearpicture of the task awaiting her, but he is a man, hence cannot see how tiresome it is to have explained at length what one has already fully understood.
  • Jelena Ranđelovićhas quotedlast year
    Reading can be dangerous.)
  • Jelena Ranđelovićhas quotedlast year
    When the lightning strikes shadows on the bedroom wall and the rain taps at the window with its long fingernails?
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