
Oyinkan Braithwaite

  • yomihas quoted2 years ago
    Yoruba people have a custom of naming twins Taiwo and Kehinde. Taiwo is the older twin, the one who comes out first. Kehinde, therefore, is the second-born twin. But Kehinde is also the older twin, because he says to Taiwo, “Go out first and test the world for me.”
  • Feriohas quoted4 months ago
    Bleach will disinfect, but it’s not great for cleaning residue, so I use it only after I have first scrubbed the bathroom of all traces of life, and death.
  • Feriohas quoted4 months ago
    Now she wears a rose-colored T-shirt and smells of baby powder.

    Muy child like.

  • Feriohas quoted3 months ago
    Femi wrote her a poem
  • Feriohas quoted3 months ago
    And he gave it to her written on a piece of paper, folded twice, reminiscent of our secondary school days, when kids would pass love notes to one another in the back row of classrooms
  • Feriohas quoted3 months ago
    I met Muhtar’s wife once; she reminded me of Ayoola. It wasn’t that her looks were memorable, but she seemed completely oblivious to all but her own needs
  • Feriohas quoted3 months ago
    ourselves conserving our energy by restricting our movements. Ayoola is draped across my bed in her pink lace bra and black lace thong. She is incapable of practical underwear. Her leg is dangling off one end, her arm dangling off the other. Hers is the body of a music video vixen, a scarlet woman, a succubus. It belies her angelic face. She sighs occasionally to let me know she is alive
  • Feriohas quoted3 months ago
    I knew she was seeing someone, the signs were all there—her coy smiles, the late-night conversations. I should have paid closer attention. If I had met him, perhaps I would have seen this temper she claims he had. Perhaps I could have steered her away from him, and we would have been able to avoid this outcome
  • Feriohas quoted3 months ago
    Is there anything more beautiful than a man with a voice like an ocean?
  • Feriohas quoted3 months ago
    Is there anything more beautiful than a man with a voice like an ocean?
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