bookmate game

Karin Slaughter

  • Antolina Castillo Ramírezhas quotedlast year
    Your mother and I had always been secretly pleased that you were so headstrong and passionate about your causes. Once you were gone, we understood that these were the qualities that painted young men as smart and ambitious and young women as trouble.
  • mhas quoted2 years ago
    That’s what she got for marrying a geek.
  • Elena Shpaginahas quoted2 years ago
    It’s the curse of the motherless child
  • Elena Shpaginahas quoted2 years ago
    ’s the curse of the motherless child
  • Arevik Martirosyanhas quotedlast year
    “The truth can rot you from the inside. It doesn’t leave room for anything else.”
  • Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
    Andrea had learned a very hard lesson over the last two years, and that was that saying nothing could be just as hurtful as saying everything.
  • Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
    Wherever you go, there you are.’”
  • Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
    She asked, “You know that painting, The Problem We All Live With?”
    “Norman Rockwell. 1964. Oil on canvas.” Gordon knew his art. “The piece was inspired by a six-year-old named Ruby Bridges who integrated an all-white elementary school in New Orleans.”
  • Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
    past behavior predicts future behavior.
  • Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
    There was a psychiatric syndrome called folie à plusieurs—a shared psychosis where a group of people together commit bad acts that they wouldn’t otherwise commit on their own.
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