Parents who destroy their children’s lives, who suck the life out of their children’s futures, not only for the sake of maintaining their own illusions but also to zealously expand them into the lives of their children—such parents can almost be understood from the perspective of obsession.
Maricruz Barrera Chávezhas quoted5 months ago
Following the words “Be grateful I raised you” is the implied clause “instead of killing you or leaving you for dead.” They probably mean it, too. My parents and their parents’ generations, after surviving the Korean War, had always, just like the generation that survived World War II, set their purpose not to live a human life but to have an animal’s instinct for survival.
Maricruz Barrera Chávezhas quoted5 months ago
For some people, their lives are ruled by one shocking event reverberating through their survival instincts.
Maricruz Barrera Chávezhas quoted5 months ago
Life shrinks into a trap made up of a shimmering moment in the past, a trap where they endlessly repeat that singular moment when they were surest of being alive.
shanhas quotedlast year
Those who stare for too long at the sun are bound to go blind
Alejandra Espinohas quoted2 years ago
The mouth was also a lipless slit. This slit was awkwardly opening and closing as it talked to her, its strained speech mixed with the gurgling of a person drowning, making it difficult to understand.