Purandar A. Amin

Purandar A. Amin, Attorney, Chartered Accountant and a real estate investor, whose lifelong interest from early childhood to present is a quest personified for the absolute truth. As a real estate investor, he authored "Foreclosures: How to prevent, stop, Beat and survive". His second book was a compilation of letters from a father to a daughter on her wedding day titled "River Flows, Letters to Rhutu". Starting from the very humble conditions to doing millions of dollars of real estate transactions, he experienced his life from many peaks and valleys, interacting with thousands of persons giving him a vast panoramic experience of the human life that is like a river that comes down from the mountain top, flows around obstacles and reaches to ultimate destination merging with its beloved. ". Now here comes the presentation of lifelong spiritual expedition -"Fearless Thinking, Stress-free living- Guaranteed (Almost). A Life Changing solution for Peace and Happiness". Enjoy the journey.
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