Deborah Smith

Book translations


ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
Parents, please teach your children that

abusive language or violence toward the weak

is wrong under any circumstances.

It is also wrong to delight in someone else’s pain.

If you wish for your child to grow up to be decent,

do not countenance such behavior.
ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
Instead, offer your help to the weak and powerless,

or make an honest effort to model important values,

such as honesty, compassion, dedication, and tolerance.

Do your best to give your children someone to look up to.
ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
When your self-esteem hits rock bottom,

say to yourself: “To my family and close friends,

I’m just as precious as I’ve always been.

I’m still capable of doing good in the world;

a few people who don’t really know me

don’t get to decide what I’m worth.

In time, I believe I’ll meet different people

who will value me and my abilities.”
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