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Margherita Giacobino

Margherita Giacobino, born in 1952, lives in Turin. She is a writer,journalist and translator . She translated - among others - Emily Bronte, Gustave Flaubert, Margaret Atwood, Dorothy Allison, Audre Lorde.

She made her debut in 1993 with the novel Un' Americana a Parigi written under the pseudonym of Elinor Rigby. !n 1996 she published Casalinghe All'Inferno, in 2007 L'Educazione Sentimentale Di C.B. and in 2010 L'Uovo Fuori Dal Cavagno.

The Portrait of a Family with a Fat Daughter published in Italy in 2015 has already been translated into French and German. It is the first novel by Margherita Giacobino to be translated into English.
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