Arthur Conan Doyle

Tales of Terror and Mystery

  • batminovakatyaivhas quoted12 hours ago
    large as a tiger, but as black and sleek as ebony. It was simply a very enormous and very well-kept black cat, and it cuddled up and basked in that yellow pool of light exactly as a cat would do
  • batminovakatyaivhas quoted13 hours ago
    Mr. Everard King, my unknown cousin, was standing in person upon the steps of his house, for he had seen us in the distance, and guessed that it was I. His appearance was very homely and benevolent, short and stout, forty-five years old, perhaps, with a round, good-humoured face, burned brown with the tropical sun, and shot with a thousand wrinkles.
  • batminovakatyaivhas quoted13 hours ago
    took the slightest notice of me,
  • b1719552305has quotedlast year
    There is surely something divine in man himself that he should rise so superior to the limitations which Creation seemed to impose—rise, too, by such unselfish, heroic devotion as this air-conquest has shown. Talk of human degeneration! When has such a story as this been written in the annals of our race?
  • b4616910503has quoted5 years ago
    But why should you expect otherwise of me
  • Bluep3nhas quoted7 years ago
    "The torture of the water—the 'Extraordinary Question,' as it was called in the genial days of 'Le Roi Soleil.'
  • Bluep3nhas quoted7 years ago
    done—that they could be done without God striking the villains dead.
  • Bluep3nhas quoted7 years ago
    If you think of it, some of our popular observances show that the fact has already been recognized by our ancestors, although we, in our wisdom, have classed it among superstitions."
  • Bluep3nhas quoted7 years ago
    I do not know whether it was from a look upon Dacre's face, or from some subtle suggestion in his manner,
  • Bluep3nhas quoted7 years ago
    According to my theory, any object which has been intimately associated with any supreme paroxysm of human emotion, whether it be joy or pain, will retain a certain atmosphere or association which it is capable of communicating to a sensitive mind.
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