The passion, playfulness, and regret in these wonderful poems will make many women think this book was written just for them.” Susan Cheever
Susan Kinsolving’s poems skate with a dark elegance on the thin ice between the upper air and a deepening sorrow, between the day’s figures and memory’s pattern. But she’s headed towards love: the distant shore, the beckoning warmth; and by the end of Dailies & Rushes she has gotten herself and, to our delight and gratitude, brought us as welltriumphantly there.” J. D. McClatchy
What rings with authenticity in Susan Kinsolving’s poems is a lovely severity. … Sorrow and courage and pleasure register themselves in lucid distillations, like the purities of winter air.”Anthony Hecht
Things just are,’ Susan Kinsolving writes, in a matter-of-fact tone that belies a fiery intensity. In her poetry, commonplace things are imbued with a magical aura. Her wry wit clarifies as it deepens a tragic vision.” Grace Schulman
In her first major collection Susan Kinsolving shows herself to be a poet of ravenous amplitudes, of wit schooled by feeling, of observations had owed by memory, and of landscape rising to what she calls an oblique sublimity’ which is also the hallmark of her art.” Edward Hirsch