Max Editorial

Tim Cook: The Visionary Who Guided Apple After the Death of Steve Jobs

In 2011, the world of technology witnessed a landmark change: the death of Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder and CEO of Apple. Faced with an uncertain future, the company found itself at a crossroads. It was at that moment that Tim Cook, until then senior vice president of operations, took charge of the Cupertino giant.

This book is a tribute to Tim Cook's remarkable career, exploring his exceptional skills as a leader, his passion for design and innovation, and his commitment to social responsibility and sustainability. Through an in-depth analysis of his strategic decisions and the impact he had on Apple and the technology industry as a whole, we will uncover the mind of a visionary leader who shaped the course of history.

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83 printed pages
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Max Editorial
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  • PS investorshared an impression2 months ago

    Looks like gpt summary on some book

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