In a world where gods are shattered memories and their power a coveted currency, Tessa Martell, a thief with an uncanny sensitivity to divine remnants, carves out a perilous existence in the ruins of Veridia. Her latest heist leads her to Ithren, a being of immense, unfamiliar power — an orphaned god searching for a forgotten past.
Bound together by fate and circumstance, Tessa and Ithren embark on a perilous journey across a landscape teeming with grotesque hybrid legends — griffins imbued with Medusa’s gaze, hydras resurrected with Osiris’s essence. Each ruin they traverse whispers tales of fallen pantheons, while encounters with power-hungry warlords and madness-stricken scholars serve as grim warnings of divinity's corrupting influence.
As Ithren’s fragmented memories resurface, a breathtaking truth emerges: they are not merely an orphaned god, but a nascent pantheon, capable of birthing entirely new narratives. This revelation ignites a dangerous temptation within Tessa. Will she succumb to the allure of Ithren’s power, reshaping the world in her own image? Or will she embrace the chaotic potential of a reborn cosmos, even if it means risking the complete unraveling of reality?
From the shadowed alleys of Veridia to the whispering ruins of Aethel, Tessa and Ithren’s quest for self-discovery becomes a battle for the soul of a broken world. Their choices will determine whether it will be reborn in the vibrant chaos of infinite possibilities, or consumed by the echoes of shattered gods.