God like true love is something we have concocted not because we are intelligent but because we can speak. God is language. We are intelligent because we can speak and not the other way around.
Laman Valizadahas quoted5 years ago
Life to this sick narcissist becomes about love and work when the nihilistic truth is there is no motivation to live. But one can still be grateful despite the despair
Laman Valizadahas quoted5 years ago
Whenever we feel bored we instinctively seek out conversation or food or sex etc. This is why we never achieve much. Our addictions are universal
Laman Valizadahas quoted5 years ago
Consequently, they pour all their money and waste all their time in being emotionally gratified. Thus, to be truly free in this world is to be free of addiction. In other words, make being alive your sole gratification
Laman Valizadahas quoted5 years ago
Conformity is the addiction of the moralistic. They are addicted to being labelled positively. They then use conversation, food, sex, sports teams, films, books, etc. as a means to be gratified
Laman Valizadahas quoted5 years ago
If you could rewind the dominos of all genius and tyranny, the first domino is boredom and the second is language.