85% of people who watch a product video, then go on to purchase
Reza Aprianohas quoted8 years ago
Having a video enables you to be the authoritative source for your customers. It sets you apart from your competitors and makes it easier for people to tune into you
Reza Aprianohas quoted8 years ago
Sound is 10% of the budget and 90% of the problem
Reza Aprianohas quoted8 years ago
lift the level of your brand higher than the existing perception
Reza Aprianohas quoted9 years ago
Remember, videos are about connecting emotionally not intellectually.
Reza Aprianohas quoted9 years ago
he was asking detailed questions that were not relevant to the target audience.
Reza Aprianohas quoted9 years ago
Watch any successful romance movie and you’ll be moved by the soundtrack. “If music be the food of love, play on” says the Bard. The right music at the right time can make your video. Use the wrong music and it just won’t work.
Reza Aprianohas quoted9 years ago
The thing is video is not about dispensing information — unless it is a training video or instructional video.