It didn't take long for the first few chapters of John's Gospel to reveal John recorded a series of detailed stories showing how Jesus reached out to individuals and groups of people. John's unique way of recording details showed how Jesus prepared for each meeting and how He developed a personal connection with the people He was able to reach. In chapter 3, Jesus used one method to reach Nicodemus, the religious teacher. In the next chapter, Jesus used an entirely different method to talk to the unnamed woman at a well in Samaria. The amazing thing about those two stories is, it took Nicodemus, the expert on religious law three years to catch on. The woman at the well took a few minutes to understand. She immediately went out and of all places, led thousands in Samaria to Jesus. Some times Jesus was successful, other times people walked away. As voluntary soldiers in Christ's army, we owe it to Him to study details John went to great lengths to record.