“Welsh Fairy-Tales and Other Stories” is a captivating anthology that immerses readers in the enchanting folklore of Wales, showcasing the rich tradition of storytelling that lies at the heart of Welsh culture. Comprising a collection of timeless tales, it employs a lyrical prose style that reflects the musicality of the Welsh language, transporting readers to a realm where faeries, goblins, and other mystical beings come alive. The interplay of nature and magic in these stories not only entertains but also reveals deeper themes of identity, morality, and the human experience, situating the collection firmly within the broader context of Celtic mythology and oral tradition. The anthology is a collective endeavor by various authors, drawing upon centuries of storytelling passed down through generations. This diversity of voices pays homage to the oral traditions that were cherished in Welsh communities, where stories served both to instruct and delight. The contributors often inhabited a landscape steeped in myth, grappling with the interplay of history and fable that has shaped Welsh culture, enriching the stories with personal and cultural resonance. I enthusiastically recommend “Welsh Fairy-Tales and Other Stories” to readers seeking to explore the enchanting world of Welsh folklore. Its vivid tales not only entertain but also serve as a gateway to understanding the cultural richness of Wales. This collection is ideal for both enthusiasts of fairy tales and those wishing to gain insight into the mythology that has influenced countless narratives across the globe.