Criminal law is one of the few professions where the client buys someone else’s luck. The luck of most people is strictly nontransferable.
Hannehas quoted7 years ago
You become a narcotics addict because you do not have strong motivations in any other direction. Junk wins by default.
Ubilte Umerlagohas quoted7 years ago
Junk and Burroughs go together, he’s the addict-artist of the twentieth century
Rita Gapihas quoted7 years ago
To get a measure of this book,
Rita Gapihas quoted7 years ago
He wasn’t the sort of man whose pocket you would try to pick unless you had a lot of confi
Max Nemtsovhas quoted8 years ago
I recall hearing a maid talk about opium and how smoking opium brings sweet dreams, and I said: “I will smoke opium when I grow up.”
Alexander Shchepetilnikovhas quoted8 years ago
Kick is seeing things from a special angle. Kick is momentary freedom from the claims of the aging, cautious, nagging, frightened flesh. Maybe I will find in yage what I was looking for in junk and weed and coke. Yage may be the final fix.