life is not meant to be a series of burdens and responsibilities.
b7020104531has quoted2 years ago
The key to having a successful life is to find the right balance of pain to pleasure.
b7020104531has quoted2 years ago
Ultimately, to change your life, you need to change individual behaviors.
b7020104531has quoted2 years ago
Even a small change can snowball into a major shift in your attitude and disposition.
b7020104531has quoted2 years ago
gently reminding you of the road to greater fulfillment.
b7020104531has quoted2 years ago
When a movie touches your heart, it can inspire you to new heights of hope and possibility. It can almost instantly change your attitude and how you feel.
b7020104531has quoted2 years ago
The Magical Movie List
b7020104531has quoted2 years ago
Our own lives are filled with a constant barrage of stress. With so much negative information overwhelming us at all times, we need an easy and effective way to replenish our souls.
Pema Chokeyhas quoted2 years ago
Every human being wants to avoid emotional or physical pain and gain emotional or physical pleasure.
ireneyena99has quoted2 years ago
happiness is not always to be found in the external acquisition of things and money, as we have often been told it is