
  • Dianne Jewel Barrerahas quotedlast year
    Ten years! Wallace thought, and almost choked, then reminded himself it was
    better than losing the farm outright, and managed to nod.
  • Dianne Jewel Barrerahas quotedlast year
    Angels must often do dark deeds in the name of the Lord.”
  • Dianne Jewel Barrerahas quotedlast year
    Devils at home, devil in the woods, devils at church, devils everywhere, is there no escape?
  • Dianne Jewel Barrerahas quotedlast year
    You are the guardian of the wilderness.
  • Dianne Jewel Barrerahas quotedlast year
    You are not made out of needs, you are made out of your dreams and desires. What is it you wish and dream of?”
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