Jane Washington

Jane Washington is 23 years old, lives in Brisbane, Australia and has MDD, or Multiple Dependency Disorder. It's not a real disorder, but it should be. She's dependent on the moon to write, and she's dependent on coffee so that she can spend as much time with the moon as possible.She's dependent on both writing and anti-social behaviour to each act as an excuse for the other, and she's dependent on the awkwardness of both to save her from questions. I.e.:'Why do you never come to parties?''It's a writer's thing. We hate parties.'She has a dependency on the internet to prevent too much work from getting done on any given day, and an even bigger dependency on Disney movies, to keep the dream alive.She's been accused of being a Vampire, with her super pale skin and aversion to sunlight, but she can't stand the sight of blood, so if she is a Vampire, then she's a pretty bad one.
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