Sustainable Stevie

Sustainable Stevie is just an ordinary person that's gotten quite fed-up with chemicals in the products we buy, the food we eat, the nonchalant attitude of corporations that continue to exploit the earth's natural resources, the overall toll it has taken and continues to take on our planet and precious eco system; and anything that contributes to ruining our environment. She's passionate about bringing awareness in as many ways as possible to how each person can individually do a little something to contribute to a cleaner environment which is beneficial not only to humans; but other living things that we share this planet with. In this [Special Edition Collection] of Sustainable Living - Practical Eco-Friendly Tips for Green Living and Self-Sufficiency in the 21st Century, she attempts to shed light on topics that are not only interesting and educational, but what others might be considering due to health issues, economic situations, or just downright curiosity. A broad array of alternative eco-friendly methods on green living, self-sufficiency, and how organic products and foods really are better for us and the environment is brought out. Employing some of the things mentioned in this book really can save you money and is healthier for your body, wellbeing, and the environment. She believes in giving the landfills, groundwater and finite natural resources a break by educating ourselves and taking action that will collectively make a difference.
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